England’s four-tier system is a failure. Test and Trace is not doing its job. The Westminster government battled to keep schools open against educators and medical experts’ advice, and only the opposition of teaching unions was able to stop it. There is no plan to get us out of this cycle of restrictions. In Scotland too, despite Holyrood steering a different course at times, infection rates are rising rapidly.
Zero Covid is the alternative. It’s a strategy to eliminate the virus, which means a working Test and Trace system, financial and material support for people to enable them to isolate, and ensuring all workplaces which are open are certified Covid-Safe. Restrictions on our lives can be lifted once these elements are in place and as new cases drop off to a level which can be managed by public health teams.
Register for the online conference
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Discuss the latest developments in the pandemic and responses to it.
Discussion in smaller groups to come up with questions and points to raise in the main group
Between 12:00 – 12:30 we will have a live performance from Sean Taylor
A chance to discuss campaigning for a Zero Covid strategy in a variety of areas – setting up campaign groups, planning lobbying, campaign action, getting more people on board etc.
Speakers marked “pc” are in a personal capacity.
We will be providing live closed captions through Zoom.
Register for the online conference
Select the workshop you want to attend